Thursday 19 May 2016

Maelstrom IX... update number... err... yeah.

Firstly, something arrived in the mail this week!! 

Oooooohhh.... shiney!! 
Thanks again to Mighty Ape for supplying such a neat kit.

Secondly, I've had a couple of queries regarding the draft GW FAQs that are up on the GW Facebook page, and whether I would be using them at Maelstrom IX.

Nice piccy of Ulrik the Slayer there... that reminds me... I need to be putting Space Wolves together...

The answer is... no. They are currently draft FAQ so I am quite comfortable to wait for them to be refined and published as 'official' before they are used. If they are  made 'official' prior to 30 May (which happens to be 4 days before lists must be in for checking i.e. 3 June) they will be used at the tournament.

One of the interesting things the FAQ has clarified is that in the BRB it states in bold that 'only one grenade (of any type) can be thrown by a unit per phase'. Assault (fight) is a phase therefore assault units/units mobbing vehicles with melta/krak grenades can only use the one grenade per unit. So I guess we were all playing it wrong! 

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Maelstrom IX Update... rules clarification for Death from the Skies and a sponsor announement

A quick update today!

Death from the Skies
Death from the Skies will be released by GW prior to the cutoff date outlined in the Players Pack. While it probably adds complexity, its use fits within the constraints of the players pack.

  • The onus is on those who what to bring flyers to purchase a copy of the rules (making sure they are available at any time during the game for reference), and explain how they work to their opponent prior to the game.
  • All other composition rules and restrictions from the Players Pack remain in effect (Allies, Formations/Detachments)
  • The Dogfight/Duel subphase rules will not be in play

I am pleased to announce that Mighty Ape are providing sponsorship for Maelstrom IX!

(See the updated Maelstrom IX announcement)

What the team at Mighty Ape have done is provide me with a copy of Imperial Knights: Renegade - how awesome is that.

To give anyone attending a chance to win this amazing box set, I am going to raffle it off at Maelstrom IX. All proceeds of the raffle will be donated to the Wellington City Mission. Tickets will be $2 each, with a maximum of 20 can be purchased per person.